16 avril 2018
Minister Jean-Marc Fournier continued his tour of Canada with a trip to the Atlantic provinces. He visited the cities of Charlottetown and Halifax, where he met respectively with the Premier of Prince Edward Island, Wade MacLauchlan, and the Premier of Nova Scotia, Stephen McNeil. In addition to these bilateral meetings, Minister Fournier took part in several events with the business community, university circles and Francophone organizations in the two provinces.
Here’s an overview of another busy mission!
On March 7, Minister Jean-Marc Fournier discussed a range of shared issues with the Premier of Prince Edward Island, including the Francophonie, bilingualism, and the importance of increasing relations between civil societies, for example for contractors and young people. The next day, in Halifax, he had a discussion about the Francophonie and interprovincial trade with the Premier of Nova Scotia.
In general, the need to strengthen ties between the Atlantic provinces and Québec, in particular political and economic ties, was the main focus of the discussions during these bilateral meetings.
In Halifax, Minister Fournier also met with Lena Metlege Diab, Minister of Immigration and Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, to discuss the social and economic advantages of Francophone immigration to Nova Scotia, and to Canada’s provinces and territories in general.
Cooperation between Nova Scotia and Québec in the areas of Francophonie and culture was hailed by the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly in the presence of Minister Fournier. The members of the Assembly recognized, in a unanimous motion, that collaboration between Québec and Nova Scotia’s Acadian and Francophone communities has contributed to “the promotion of the French language and community life, and to the friendship between our two provinces.”
The motion also highlighted the signing, on December 20, 2016, of the Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange with respect to the Francophonie between Québec and Nova Scotia. The Statement on the Canadian Francophonie, attached to the Agreement and signed by both governments, specifically recognizes that “the Francophonie is one of the key features of the Canadian identity.”
Minister Fournier spoke at the University of Prince Edward Island during a public debate on the future of the Canadian federation. The discussions centred on the actions which may be taken by the Québec government to strengthen ties between the citizens of Québec and of Prince Edward Island.
He also addressed the university community at Dalhousie University in Halifax, where he invited faculty members and students to take part in the discussions on the future of the federation.
Meetings on the theme of the economy were a prominent part of the Minister’s mission. For example, Minister Fournier met with members of the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce to discuss the benefits of increased economic and tourism coooperation for the citizens of Québec, Prince Edward Island and the Atlantic provinces.
In Nova Scotia, the Minister met with members of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and the Conseil de développement économique to discuss the importance of supporting solidarities and strengthening ties between contractors in Québec and Nova Scotia. Interprovincial trade was also a central theme of his discussions with representatives of Nova Scotia Business at a meeting held in the para-governmental organization’s offices in Halifax.
Similarly to his other missions outside Québec, Minister Fournier took advantage of his trip to Charlottetown and Halifax to meet with representatives of the various organizations working to promote the Francophonie. The discussions concerned the realities, challenges and concerns of each organization in connection with its respective region.
In interviews for Le Réveil/Île-du-Prince-Édouard and Le Réveil/Nouvelle-Écosse et T.N.L., Mr. Fournier discussed the principles underlying the Policy on Québec Affirmation and Canadian Relations, the Canadian Francophonie, and the ties between Quebecers and other Canadians, in particular in the fields of the economy, tourism and culture. Both interviews are available for on-line listening!
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces
Mission à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard et en Nouvelle-Écosse : la francophonie et l’économie, fondements de la collaboration entre le Québec et les provinces de l’Atlantique
Mission to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia : the Francophonie and the economy as the foundation for cooperation between Québec and the Atlantic provinces