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Subscribe now to the new SQRC Newsletter!

29 juin 2018

The Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Newsletter.

The SQRC invites all its partners, along with members of general public and civil society, to subscribe to the newsletter. This will help them remain informed about Québec's positions on Canadian relations and to learn more about the networks that are developing between political, cultural, economic, academic and social players in Québec and Canada.

The SQRC Newsletter will also include information on the grants and services available from the SQRC and from Québec's offices in Canada, in particular in connection with the Canadian Francophonie, university research, and trade.

The first issue of the newsletter covers the Ce lien ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre. Policy on Québec Affirmation and Canadian Relations and presents examples of its implementation.

Subscribe as soon as you can and share Ce lien ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre. the newsletter! with your contacts!

Bonne lecture!